Secure Network

Network Security with Extraordinary Performance

At Hawaiian Telcom, we understand the critical role a strong internet foundation plays in your business operations. That's why we are thrilled to introduce Secure Network – a cybersecurity solution that empowers your business with unmatched protection, superior network performance, and an exceptional Wi-Fi experience.

Cyberthreats can have significant financial consequences

The average cost of a data breach is $124,000 to $1.2M.

71% of ransomware attacks target small businesses.

Cyberthreats can have significant financial consequences

The average cost of a data breach is $124,000 to $1.2M.

71% of ransomware attacks target small businesses.

Most common business devices put your business at risk

Proactive Security

Built-In Threat Detection and Protection

Secure Network comes with state-of-the-art processes that continuously monitor your devices to identify and neutralize potential threats.

Auto Quarantine and Isolation

Compromised devices are auto quarantined and isolated to prevent the spread of malware or other malicious attacks.

Instant Alerts

Receive real-time alerts if infected devices are detected, allowing you to take immediate action.

Cloud-Powered Security Threat Intelligence

Secure Network ensures that security intelligence is always up-to-date, keeping your business protected.

Security for All Devices

Secure Network offers security for both wired and wireless devices, ensuring that every aspect of your network is safeguarded.

Separate Wi-Fi Networks

Secure Network ensures guest and employee networks are separate to protect the integrity of your data.

Enhanced Productivity


Superior Wi-Fi Performance

Secure Network comes equipped with the latest in Wi-Fi 6 technologies to ensure exceptional business performance.


Prioritized Business Traffic

With Secure Network, your business traffic always takes priority. Say goodbye to network slowdowns caused by bandwidth-hogging activities.


Faster Fioptics Connection

Upgrade your network to enable symmetrical speeds for your Fioptics connection, ensuring your business runs at the speed of light.


Protection Against Network Slowdowns

Never worry about network slowdowns due to compromised devices. Secure Network's robust security measures keep your network running smoothly.

Installation and Support

Professional Installation

Leave installation to our experts, a local Hawaiian Telecom technician will take care of everything from start to finish.

Technical Support

Rest easy knowing that our local technical support team is available to assist you.

Ongoing Updates and Device Monitoring

Secure Network includes continuous updates and device monitoring, so your network remains secure and up-to-date.

Single Solution Provider

Hawaiian Telecom is your solution to all things Internet, Security, and Voice. One provider for your most critical technologies.


Contact us today to learn more about how we can elevate your cybersecurity and network performance.
Your business deserves nothing but the best, and that's precisely what we deliver with Secure Network.

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