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Pace 4111N - Wireless Network Setup
Pace 4111N - Wireless Network Setup
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Step 1:
- Connect your computer to your Wireless Gateway
- While configuring your Wireless Gateway, it's recommended to use a computer that's connected directly to the Wireless Gateway using the Yellow Ethernet cable and Green Data cable that are included with your Wireless Gateway.
- Open a web browser such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Safari and type into the address bar and press Enter/Return.
Step 2:
- You will be directed to the following homepage for your Wireless Gateway:

Step 3
- The screen you are directed to will allow you to see what devices have recently tried to connect to your Wireless Gateway connection.

- By hardwiring your Wireless Gateway to your DSL/Phone line and hardwiring to a device using the Yellow Ethernet cable provided, you are able to manage your wireless network. You're able to allow/block specific devices, and change your wireless network settings such as your password and Network Name.
Step 4
- Your Wireless Gateway comes pre-programmed with a default Network Name (SSID) and Network Password (Wi-Fi Key). They are located on the right side of your Wireless Gateway.

- While connecting your devices to your wireless network, search for you Network Name (SSID) and enter the Password (Wi-Fi Key) to be permitted to use the connection. By default, each Wireless Gateway requires the use of a password to be connected to the network.
Step 5
- From your Wireless Gateways homepage, click on Wireless

- This will redirect you to the security and setting page for your wireless network. ** Please note: Your Wireless Gateway must be hardwired to a computer in order to change your settings. Doing so on a wireless connection will disconnect your device and may cause problems while reconnecting.
- While on your Wireless Gateway Security page, you'll see your default Network Name (SSID). This should match the SSID that is printed on your Wireless Gateway.

- To change your Network Name (SSID), type what you would like your network to be called in the box.

- To save your new wireless Network Name, scroll to the bottom of the Security page, and click on the Save button.

- You'll be directed to a page asking for your password. Unless your password has been previously changed from the default WAP2 WiFi security code (Wi-Fi Key), it will be the same Wi-Fi Key that is located on the side of your Wireless Gateway.
- **Please Note: All devices connected to your wireless network will be disconnected once the Network Name is changed. To re-connect to your wireless network, search for the new Network Name on your device.
- To change your wireless password from the default password to a unique one, scroll down the Securities page, select the Set Custom Encryption Key option, and type your new password in the box.

- To save your new wireless password, scroll to the bottom of the Securities page and click on the Save button.

- You'll be directed to a page asking for your password. Unless your password has been previously changed from the default WAP2 WiFi security code (Wi-Fi Key), it will be the same Wi-Fi Key that is located on the side of your Wireless Gateway.
- **Please Note: Once you change your password, you will not be able to recover it without resetting your wireless network. All devices connected to your wireless network will also need to provide the new password to reconnect to your wireless network.